Sunday, 15 June 2014

A Bit Late for Early Purple Orchids!

I can't believe how the time flies sometimes. It's now six weeks since my last post and there's quite a bit to catch up on. I hope you're well and enjoying the sunny weather.

Rather than a really long post, I'm going to try to write short posts over the next week or so ......if I can get my act together that is!

These photos are from back in early May. My Uncle Brian came to visit for the day and we went for a walk on the Common. Uncle spotted and identified these Early Purple Orchids. Chris and I had seen them and I thought they were some kind of orchid but we weren't sure.

They were growing everywhere on the Common....

...sometimes alongside pretty yellow cowslips...

Here's Spencer enjoying a good old roll amongst them.......

The crazy dog loves to roll on top of his can just see it on the left hand side....does your dog do that?

The Latin name for the Early Purple Orchid is Orchis Mascula derived from the Latin Masculus meaning male or virile. This is possibly because the shape of the two tubers resemble certain male private parts (made this 50 year old giggle like a schoolgirl!). 

Apparently the tubers are sometimes called Adam and Eve's root and witches used them to make magical love potions :)

I'll be back soon...I promise!!

Maggie xx


  1. Hi Maggie! I've never seen an early purple orchid! Wow!
    Aw, that Spencer. He's adorable ALWAYS!

  2. Those orchids are beautiful.

  3. Wildflowers are such a treat. Very pretty. I've missed you and Spencer. Glad to see your post.


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