
Saturday 28 April 2012

A Handy Tip and A Patchwork Baby Quilt

Thought I'd share this photo of Spencer with you... is it my imagination or is he winking?!

What a dreadful week weather wise. It just won't stop raining!

On the positive side though I haven't had to water the seeds I planted in our veggie patch. Nothing much to show yet but fingers crossed.

I do have a few seedlings coming up in the greenhouse though - courgettes, butternut squash, rudbeckia and sweet peas.

Apart from the weather, it's been a lovely week with impromptu visits from my parents and some good friends. Catching up on everyone's news, drinking tea and coffee.....lovely :)

Today I thought I'd share with you this little tip I saw on the TV programme Super Scrimpers. I must admit I kind of scoffed at it when I saw it on the telly but I tried it and it's really good if you don't like to waste anything.

I don't buy expensive face creams but I do like to use one with UV protection. At the moment I'm using Nivea's Light Day Cream which comes in a tube. It's quite cheap at about £3-£4 and lasts me about a month or so. Last month I had got to the point where I just couldn't squeeeeeze any more out.

I cut the tube a little way down from the top....

Sorry about the rubbish photo but hopefully you can see there's quite a lot of cream still left in there.

I then used the top cut part as the top :)

I managed to get at least another week's worth of face cream out of the tube. And this makes good savings, say, over a year :)  After all, it all adds up doesn't it?

You could also do this with hand creams or any other creams that are in similar plastic tubes :)

Not too much crafting to show you this week but I realised I hadn't shared with you my patchwork baby quilt that I finished recently.

It's made with cosy flannel/flannelette in lilacs, pinks and white....

with frayed edge seams on one side.....

and traditional seams on the other.....

The quilt becomes softer each time it is washed :)

Fun to make, pretty and so snuggly for a baby or toddler :)

Please don't forget to pop by tomorrow for Spencer's Sunday Hats!

See you then,

Maggie xx


  1. Hi Maggie!
    Cute rag quilt! I made one, too. It IS soft and so easy!
    Can't wait to see Spencer's hat!

  2. Hello, I am a new follower :-)
    The Doggy is most definately winking! The blanket is lovely and I always do the same with my tubes as its amazing how much more you get out of them.

  3. Loving the ragged edges on the quilt, would love to try that :) Right back atcha Spencer (he was definitely winking)! xx

  4. Ha ha, love Spencer winking! The baby quilt is absolutely gorgeous, I wish I could do something like that. xx

  5. I really like the frayed edge seams. Makes the quilt seem even more snuggly. Spencer, what a rogue! My mother does that with lotions sometimes. I'm all for saving where one can!


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